Services Offered By FDI Bhutan

  1. We incorporate your Company as a Private/Public Limited Company in Bhutan.
  2. We advise on the organisation and structure of your company as per Bhutanese law.
  3. We process Clearances for your company including Location, Environmental, Power, and any other clearances required from relevant agencies.
  4. We review your Business Plan and submit them to relevant agencies on your behalf. 
  5. We help your Company in Acquisition of Land, Flats and Office Spaces.
  6. We help your company workers process Business Visas and Work Permit.
  7. We help you draft Local Employment Contract, NDAs and any other business contracts.
  8. We advise on FDI Company Compliance as per Bhutanese Law and make your company compliant to Bhutanese Law.
  9. We help your company process Company Name Clearance in Bhutan.
  10. We help your company in processing Foreign Direct Investment Registration Certificate (FDIRC) in Bhutan.

Official Info

Location: Ngabiphu, Near Wangyel Cafe
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001

Phone: +97517661648